Friday, March 23, 2012


This week's Parasha is the beginning of Vayikra.
It deals with many halachas of karbonos, sacrifices.

I hear many times from people that lean toward the less observant brands of Judaism when talking about mitzva observance and the coming of Moshiach " You want to see animal sacrifices in the Temple? That is barbaric"

Maybe this will help.

The pasuk starts "Speak to the Bnei Yisrael and say to them ' When one of you brings an animal as a sacrifice to Hashem..."

The Jews brought sacrifices for different reasons  and on different occasions.
One occasion was when one transgressed a mitzva.
The Torah commands  us to bring an animal to be sacrificed as an atonement for that transgression.
Now how does killing an animal in a ritual atone for a sin?

In the Hebrew, the Torah uses the words "mi-kem...min ha-beheimah---from you...from the animal"
When you bring this animal sacrifice, it is to represent the animal in you. That part of you that caused you to transgress. You are symbolically killing the animal within you. It is as if you were the sacrifice.

" If you bring a sacrifice "from the animal" you merit to be classified as "man"
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

A Guten Shabbos

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