Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If I could Save Shoes In a Bottle.

Sunday, to get out of the house, my brother , mother, niece and nephew and I, went to a local antique mall to walk around.
Why, you might ask, would you take children to walk around an antique mall?
As opposed to museums and zoos, the antique mall is free.
You also get to point out things you remember from your grandmother's house that you got rid of for nothing, but had you known, would have kept and then sold in a antique mall.

I did find some Judaica story books for my niece and a Spanish ship for my nephew.

The mall is set up with cubicles for the different vendors and not very well kept. Lots of things on the floor to pic through.
I guess the real antiques are the items locked up in the cases.

After digging through some books in one cubicle, I turned the corner and came face to face with the very strange item seen in the photo below.

 A sealed jar of baby booties.

Now being Stephen King's "number one fan", I started having these really bizarre ideas.
Had Mother Hubbard finally had enough?
Evidence in a CSI investigation?
The trophies of a killer?
A day care worker with a shoe fetish?

 I moved away quickly after taking the photo before someone could see me.

I guess I'll never know.
What do you think?

BTW... I did not buy this item.


OK. Old Mother Hubbard did not have kids. She had a dog but no bone.
I should have written " Had the old woman that lived in a shoe finally had enough"

Mea Culpa.

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